National landline

282 420 400

waiting times

Hospital Particular Alvor


Urgent Care

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Urgent Care



Hospital Particular da Madeira


Urgent Care



Madeira Medical Center

Unscheduled Medical Care

Centro Médico Internacional - VRSA

The Sports Complex of Vila Real de Santo António in addition to providing ongoing medical care, also provides, out-patient medical specialties, dental surgery and complementary diagnostic examinations, its main activity is its the rehabilitation and physiotherapy unit.


Insurance Agreements


Monday to Friday 8am > 8pm
Saturday 9am > 5pm
Sunday & Bank Holidays

Medical Care

Consultation without Appointment

Monday to Friday
9am > 1pm / 2pm > 7pm

Saturday 9am > 2pm
Sunday &
Bank Holidays

Clinical Analysis
Monday to Friday
8am > 10am

9am > 11am

Sunday & Bank Holidays

Complexo Desportivo de VRSA, Estrada da Mata 8900-261
Vila Real de Santo António

How to get there

* Opening times subject to change.
Please confirm availability in advance by calling 282 420 400.



App “myHPA Saúde”
A aplicação para os clientes HPA

Sabemos que quanto mais perto estivermos de si, melhor podemos cuidar. Assim, e com o objetivo de tornarmos a sua experiência melhor, lançámos a nova App myHPA Saúde.

A sua área pessoal digital, que lhe permite aceder a toda a informação sobre a sua saúde e interações com os Hospitais e Clínicas do Grupo HPA Saúde, onde quer que esteja.

saber mais

Ana Filipa Silva Book an Appointment
António Brito Avô Book an Appointment
António Gaspar Book an Appointment
Bernardo Luz Nunes de Sousa Book an Appointment
Eduardo Lares Book an Appointment
Elisabete Campos Book an Appointment
Filipa Bernardo Book an Appointment
Filipe Guerra Book an Appointment
Henrique Cruz Book an Appointment
Hugo Bandeira Book an Appointment
Inês Inácio Book an Appointment
Isabel Valente Book an Appointment
João Carlos Machado Book an Appointment
Joaquim Cravo Book an Appointment
Joaquim Magalhães Book an Appointment
José Carreira Tavares Book an Appointment
Maria José Salgueiro Book an Appointment
Maria Teresa Colaço Book an Appointment
Marilisa Roberto Book an Appointment
Marilyn M. Machado Book an Appointment
Miguel Castro Muñoz Book an Appointment
Miguel Coutinho Book an Appointment
Miguel Vicente Book an Appointment
Nelson Pinto Gomes Book an Appointment
Paulo César Sousa Book an Appointment
Pedro David Carvalho Book an Appointment
Romero Blanco Book an Appointment
Sandra Pereira Madeira Book an Appointment
Serge Conceição Book an Appointment
Sezinando Guerreiro Book an Appointment
Tamara Brito Book an Appointment
Telmo Sacramento Book an Appointment
Virgílio Baltasar Book an Appointment



The HPA Health Group has a multi-professional team experienced in neurological rehabilitation which includes intensive and interdisciplinary programs.

During the first consultation and after a detailed evaluation of the patient's deficiencies, limitations and restrictions, an intensive therapy plan is proposed, which can consist of up to six hours a day, five days a week, for eight weeks.


The central focal point of our interdisciplinary team, are the patient and his / her family, whose goals and expectations are respected and worked upon by the team involved: Physiatrist, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and Neuropsychologist.

These programs are essentially developed to treat patients suffering lesions after a stroke, brain trauma, vertebro-medullary lesions, among other neurological conditions.


Information on our programs .

See flyer