Orthopaedics HPA at the European Forefront of Lower Limb Arthroplasty
Ortopedia HPA na vanguarda Europeia Artroplastia Membro Inferior
Português e Inglês
January 2015
Medical Degree - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Lisboa, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Cardiology Specialty: Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça/Hospital de Santa Cruz.
European accreditation in Pacing.
Training in Intervention Electrophysiology (Hospital de Santa Cruz).
Clinical Cardiology; Echocardiography; Holter; MAP; Implantable event detectors; Pacing; Intervention Electrophysiology.
Outpatient Consultation
Pacemaker Consultation
Complementary Means of Diagnosis: Echocardiography; Holter; MAP
Implantable Event Detectors
Interventional Electrophysiology
Ortopedia HPA na vanguarda Europeia Artroplastia Membro Inferior
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