International Women’s Day
Not only in this company but in general, we are still a minority in leadership …
Português, Francês, Inglês e Espanhol
September 2016
Degree in Medicine from Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (Universidade do Porto).
Specialty in Angiology and Vascular Surgery performed at the Santo António General Hospital - Porto.
Director of the Service of Vascular Surgery of the Hospital de Braga.
Responsible for the Vascular Surgery Unit of Santa Maria Hospital - Porto.
Invited Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Minho.
Member of the Portuguese Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.
Member of the Portuguese Society of Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery.
External Consultations
Varicose Vein Surgery (Classic Saphenectomy; Radiofrequency; Laser; Sclerotherapy)
Classic and endovascular treatment of circulation diseases (ischemia, aneurysms)
Treatment of excessive sweating of the hands and armpits (palmar and axillar hyperhidrosis)
Performance of Complementary Diagnostic Exams: Eco-Doppler (Doppler ultrasonography)
Not only in this company but in general, we are still a minority in leadership …
A Speech and Language Therapist works throughout life, from childhood to adulth…
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