Speech Therapy: When is the Right Time to Seek Help?
A Speech and Language Therapist works throughout life, from childhood to adulth…
Portuguese, English, Italian. Spanish, French
August 2011
* PhD in Biomechanics (currently); Faculty of Human Motricity at the Lisbon University.
*Observership em Percutaneous Foot Surgery – Dr. Olivier Laffenêtre, C.H.U. Bordeaux (France), 2017.
*Fellowship in Reconstructive Surgery of the Foot and Ankle – Prof. Beat Hintermann e Markus Knupp, Kantonsspital Baselland (Switzerland), 2015.
*Fellowship in Foot Surgery and Gait Analysis – Dr. Scott Ellis e Demetracapoulos, Hospital for Special Surgery New York (USA), 2015.
*Fellowship in Arthroscopy and Surgery of the Foot and Ankle – Prof. Dr. Niek van Dijk, Amsterdam (Holand), 2013.
* Post-graduation in Sports Medicine; Centro de Medicina Desportiva do Porto / Faculty of Medicine of Oporto University, 2012.
* Post-graduation in Post-traumatic injury Assessment; Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal / Faculty of Medicine of the Coimbra University, 2009.
* Master’s Degree in Medicine; Faculty of Medicine of the Oporto University, 2008.
*ERASMUS; Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Universitá degli studi di Génova - 2007.
* Scientific and Technological Course in Biotechnology, 2001.
*Internship in Medicine at the Hospital Beatriz Ângelo (Loures, Lisbon)
*Complementary Internship in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Faro Hospital, 2010 to 2015.
* Doctor of the (Medical Emergency and Resuscitation Vehicle) VMER of Faro and Albufeira; National Institute of Medical Emergency, 2012/13.
*Doctor in the Medical Department of the Sporting Clube Olhanense (1st League Football), 2011/12
*Coordinator of the Department of Biomechanics of the Portuguese Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology, since 2019.
*Foot and Ankle Delegate - European Federation of National Orthopedics and Traumatology - Orthopedic Education (EFORT), since 2018.
* Substitute member of the Board of the Portuguese Society of Medicine and Foot Surgery (SPMCP), since 2017.
* Member of the Young Physicians Committee of the American Society of Foot and Ankle Surgery (AOFAS), since 2016, and the Education Committee, since 2017.
* President of the European Federation of Orthopedic and Traumatology (FORTE), 2015/16.
* Board Member of the Commission of Interns of the Portuguese Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (CISPOT), from 2011 to 2014
*Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Course “Lisbon Foot & Ankle Clinical Biomechanics Course”, since 2017.
* Member of the Organizing Committee of the National Congress of the Foot and Ankle, 2018.
*Chairman of the 1st Summer School of Orthopedics and Traumatology - FORTE Summer School 2016
* Dr. Carlos Lima Award - Honorable Mention, XXXVI National Congress of Orthopedics 2016
* Best Clinical Case - I Congress PEALMECIPP 2016
* Dr. Rui Antão Orthopedics Award 2014 and 2015
*Best Oral Presentation – XXXIV National Congress of Orthopedics 2014.
*Best Poster on Lower Limbs – XXXIV National Congress of Orthopedics 2014.
* Author of more than 30 oral presentations, various posters/videos and Guest speaker in approximately 25 national and international courses;
*Jury and moderator in various national and international Congresses and e invited professor in Medical, Nursing and Radiology Courses.
*Chaptor - Anatomia e Biomecânica Livro Pé e Tornozelo, Vide, J.; Mendes, D.; Sousa, M. R. Lidel 2015
* Suture-button devices are at least as effective as screws for fixation of acute syndesmotic injuries: a systematic review Systematic Review Vide, J.; Mendes, D.; Sousa, M.R. J Isakos, June 2018
*The current state of orthopedic residency in 18 European countries. Observational Study. Madanat R.; Mäkinen T.J.; Ryan D.; Huri G.; Paschos N.; Vide J.; FORTE writing committee International Orthopedics, April 2017
*Patient-Specific Instrumentation in Total Knee Replacement - Simpler, Faster and more Accurate than Standard Instrumentation Randomized Control Trial. Vide, J.; Freitas, T.; Ramos, A.; Cruz, H.; Sousa, J.P.
*Knee Surgery Sports Trauma Arthroscopy, November 2015
*Tennis Associated Posterior Shoulder Dislocation - Clinical Case. Vide, J.; Gomes, D.; Ovídio, J.; Frade, A.. Rev Med Desp InForma 2014, 5(2): 8-10. Available at: www. revdesportiva.pt
*Intra-Osseous Foreign Body Removal from Stab Wound of the Shoulder - Clinical Case. Vide, J.; Ovídio, J.; Freitas, T.; Ramos, A.
*Rev Port Orthop Traum 2014, 22(2): 41-47. Index at ScieLo. Available at: www. rpot.pt
*Which Palliative Technique for Glenoumeral Sequellae of Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsies? Systematic Review Vide, J.; Gomes, D.; Salgueiro, M.; Matos, E.; Henriques, M.
*Rev Port Orthop Traum 2014, 22(1): 5-23. Index at ScieLo. Available at: www. rpot.pt.
* Bilateral Posterior Gleonumeral Dislocation with Humeral Head Fracture after Electric Shock Clinical Case. Gomes, D.; Ovídio, J.; Vide, J.; Freitas, T.; Ramos, A.; Palma, JS.
*Rev Port Orthop Traum 2014, 22(1): 112-119. Index at ScieLo. Available at: www. rpot.pt
*Sacral Stress Fracture in a Premier League Professional Soccer Player - Clinical Case. Sacramento, T.; Vide, J.; Rodrigues, D.; Carvalho Silva, J.
Rev Med Desp InForma 2013, 4(1): 4-6. Available at: www. revdesportiva.pt
For additional information: www.peetornozelo.pt
Orthopedics – Foot and Ankle
A Speech and Language Therapist works throughout life, from childhood to adulth…
Obesity is a chronic, multifactorial disease characterised by an abnormal or ex…
Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a reactivation of the varicella-zoste…