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Clinical Psychology includes prevention, promotion and treatment on an individual, in the search for a better understanding of an individual’s thoughts, feeling and behaviour.

Difficult or traumatic life situations, difficulties in dealing with feelings such as fear, sadness, anger or guilt, painful experiences such as the loss of a loved one or physical illness, can result in one seeing a psychologist.

Everyone at some point in their lives will be  burdened by a physical or emotional upheaval.

Everyone at some point in their lives they feel burdened with obligations or feelings and thoughts that interfere with their mental, emotional and even physical well-being.

In a consultation with a Psychologist one finds security, trust, and privacy, where support is provided and solutions found to the various problems and difficulties. 

During the first appointment with a Psychologist various data and  information  is discusses including the history of the problem and a treatment plan is drawn up design to minimize the problem which may include various therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy, psychodynamic therapy, hypnotherapy, neuropsychological evaluations etc, but which will not  include  the use of medication.  

The relationship between the patient and the Psychologist is of extreme importance during treatment.

At the HPA Health Group various psychological evaluations are provided for various purposes including personality assessments, driver’s assessment, neuropsychological evaluations, psychological evaluations in children.

The Psychologists working in the Out-Patient Unit of the HPA Health Group have extensive experience in this area of medicine based on the latest knowledge of the brain and its functioning as well as the mechanisms that lead to mental illness with the object ofg reaching an effective resolution of the problem.

Sociedades e Associações de Psicoterapia reconhecidas pela Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses

Psychologists are required to register in the Portuguese Ordem dos Psicologos Portugueses.



medical specialty available on the following units