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Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Cirurgia Plástica - Estética


The object of Plastic Surgery is the reconstruction of a part of the human body, for medical or cosmetic reasons. Plastic Surgery includes Cosmetic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery.

Plastic Reconstructive Surgery - aims to correct acquired imperfection due to injury or birth defects.

Plastic Reconstructive Surgery is used to repair or rebuild an area of skin and the underlying tissue that has been damaged or destroyed by an accident, illness, congenital anomaly or has been modified due to ageing.

Cosmetic Surgery is carried out at the patient’s request in order to improve appearance.

Plastic Surgery has come a long way in recent years. Anaesthesia is extremely effective, methods are safer with speedier recovery.

This rapid evolution has enabled many people to benefit from the numerous techniques and procedures possible in plastic surgery today, improving problems associated to image and appearance of the face and body.


medical specialty available on the following units