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Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) is considered one of the most comprehensive medical specialties, encompassing both clinical and surgical aspects.

This specialty focuses on the diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the ear, nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, and head and neck surgery.

Diseases affecting these structures have a significant impact on the development and well-being of both children and adults. This specialty includes the sensory organs responsible for hearing, smell, and taste, and is directly linked to vital functions such as voice and breathing.


medical specialty available on the following units



If surgical intervention is required, the HPA Group offers a wide range of innovative surgical procedures:

Ear Surgery:

Ear Surgery:

• Myringotomy with transtympanic ventilation tube placement

• Tympanoplasty;

• Mastoidectomy;

• Otoplasty and modeling of protruding ears

• Abscess drainage

• Facial nerve decompression


Ear Surgery:

Nose and Paranasal Sinus Surgery:

• Turbinate surgery

• Nasal septum correction (septoplasty)

• Endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses

• Eustachian tube dilation


Nose and Paranasal Sinus Surgery:

Oral Cavity and Pharynx Surgery:

• Adenoidectomy

• Tonsillectomy

• Lingual and/or labial frenulum surgery

• Abscess drainage

Oral Cavity and Pharynx Surgery:

Laryngeal surgery:

• Laryngeal microsurgery;

• Cervical dissection;

• Drainage of abscesses;

• Surgery for branchial cysts and thyroglossal cysts.


To perform these surgeries, certain diagnostic tests may be required:

Audiology tests; Pure-tone audiometry; Speech audiometry; Impedance audiometry with tympanogram; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; X-ray of the pharyngeal cavum; CT scan of the ears, nose and paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, neck; Nasal endoscopy and laryngeal endoscopy and Vertigo tests






The most commonly diagnosed conditions by otorhinolaryngologists include otitis, tympanic membrane perforation, rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis. This specialty also addresses voice disorders (hoarseness), hearing loss, balance disturbances (such as vertigo), facial paralysis, and head and neck cancers.

Nasal obstruction (blocked nose), mouth and tongue lesions, nosebleeds, and voice changes are some of the symptoms that require particular attention and should be examined and monitored by an otorhinolaryngologist. These symptoms may lead your ENT doctor to diagnose nasal polyps, oral and oropharyngeal cancer, or laryngeal cancer.

Finally, this specialty can also diagnose sleep-related respiratory pathologies, such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, as well as respiratory disorders such as upper airway obstruction and allergic rhinitis.


The HPA Saúde Group has multidisciplinary teams of highly qualified professionals ready to assist you with conditions related to Otorhinolaryngology. We offer modern medicine with high standards of quality and safety, equipped with state-of-the-art technology.







Clinical Team
Otorhinolaryngologists HPA

Armin Moniri Book an Appointment
Carlos E. Nabuco Book an Appointment
Eusébio Gamez Caba Book an Appointment
Fernando Neves Book an Appointment
Gonçalo Jorge Mendes Book an Appointment
Hélder Vale Book an Appointment
Ilídio Gonçalves Book an Appointment
Inácio Filipe Book an Appointment
Ivone Camacho Book an Appointment
Joana Borges da Costa Book an Appointment
João Filipe Simões Book an Appointment
Lourdes Leite Book an Appointment
Luis Almeida Dores Book an Appointment
Luís Pinto Freitas Book an Appointment
Miguel Castro Muñoz Book an Appointment
Nuno O'Neill Mendes Book an Appointment
Paulo Vale Fernandes Book an Appointment
Pedro Escada Book an Appointment
Rui Melo Cabral Book an Appointment
Rui Prata Teixeira Book an Appointment
Tatiana Carvalho Book an Appointment
Tito de Gouveia Book an Appointment
Valter Melo Correia Book an Appointment
Vânia Henriques Book an Appointment
Vitor Rebelo Book an Appointment