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The spine is one of the most important structures in the human body, protecting the spinal cord and allowing us to move around the trunk. However, it can be affected by various conditions, such as herniated discs, spondylosis and spondylolisthesis, which can cause severe pain and compromise quality of life.

These pathologies, which involve the wear and tear or displacement of discs and vertebrae, affect both the cervical and lumbar regions, with symptoms that can radiate to the limbs and cause difficulties in movement.

At Grupo HPA Saúde we offer specialised treatment, with precise diagnosis and personalised therapeutic approaches, always focused on the recovery and well-being of our patients.


medical specialty available on the following units




Spinal pathologies

Hérnias discais

Herniated Discs

A herniated disc is a condition that affects the spine, particularly the lumbar and cervical regions, and is often associated with localized pain that radiates to the limbs depending on its location. It involves damage to the intervertebral disc, which serves as a cushion between the vertebrae. When the disc degenerates or ruptures, its inner gel-like material can compress nearby nerves, causing pain.

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Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the spine that primarily affects the joints and intervertebral discs. It is commonly seen in the cervical (neck) and lumbar (lower back) regions, often resulting from the natural aging process. Known as spinal osteoarthritis, it involves the progressive wear of the spine's structures, leading to pain, stiffness, and sometimes limited movement.

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Spinal Instabilit

Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which one vertebra in the spine shifts forward in relation to the vertebra below, resulting in instability and potential compression of the spinal nerves. This slippage can occur in various parts of the spine, but it is most common in the lumbar region (lower back). Spondylolisthesis can be a painful condition and, in severe cases, can affect mobility and the patient's quality of life.

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Medical team
Orthopaedists HPA

Acácio J C Ramos Book an Appointment
António Andrade Book an Appointment
António Borges Pinto Book an Appointment
António Pedro Freitas Book an Appointment
António Taveira Book an Appointment
Bessa Magalhães Book an Appointment
Carla Olim Castro Book an Appointment
Cláudia de Oliveira Book an Appointment
Diogo Silva Gomes Book an Appointment
Fabíola S. Ferreira Book an Appointment
Fábio Sousa Book an Appointment
Fernando de Sousa Book an Appointment
Fernando Pessoa Book an Appointment
Francisco Serra Alves Book an Appointment
Germano Pereira Nascimento Book an Appointment
Gustavo Vinagre Book an Appointment
Henrique Cruz Book an Appointment
Horácio Paulo Sousa Book an Appointment
Hugo Esteves Cardoso Book an Appointment
J. Mendes de Carvalho Book an Appointment
João Carvalho da Silva Book an Appointment
João Paulo Sousa Book an Appointment
João Pedro Nóbrega Book an Appointment
João Ricardo Soares Book an Appointment
José Nóvoa Book an Appointment
Luís Santos e Araújo Book an Appointment
Marco Freitas Book an Appointment
Maria Edite Barradas Book an Appointment
Maria Miguel Carvalho Book an Appointment
Mário Pereira Book an Appointment
Miguel Vicente Book an Appointment
Nuno Figueira Lança Book an Appointment
Patrícia França Book an Appointment
Paulo Andrade Book an Appointment
Paulo Andrês Book an Appointment
Paulo Marques da Silva Book an Appointment
Rita Jerónimo Book an Appointment
Rita Proença Book an Appointment
Santos da Palma Book an Appointment
Sofia Caldeira Dantas Book an Appointment
Telmo Sacramento Book an Appointment
Víctor Menezes Book an Appointment
Vítor Ferreira Book an Appointment