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Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente

Dr. Bruno Fernandes 

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Bruno Fernandes

The reality of the power to transform

The contribution of clinical psychology in post covid-19 mental health

HPA Magazine 20

Currently, it is widely known that the role of psychologists is of utmost importance given the increasing demand by the population, particularly in this post-Covid-19 period. 
This is due to several factors, including the fact that psychologists are professionals responsible for helping patients navigate the often winding paths that life imposes, such as the current post-pandemic phase we are going through, which undoubtedly will leave lasting marks and/or consequences.


Psychologists are responsible for guiding people in facing their problems, enabling them to have greater security and self-awareness. 
It is important to emphasize that psychology is not restricted to individuals who present psychological or personality conflicts or disturbances, but is an increasingly common specialty among those who seek mental health, psychological and emotional balance in their lives.
The need to reduce factors such as anxiety, stress, and emotional suffering, involves seeking a clinical psychologist. 
Furthermore, it is an act of courage to exercise the power of transformation. 
Through psychology, it is possible to reconcile past traumas, which results in a significant improvement in the inherent future experiences in the patient's life. 
Additionally, we cannot fail to mention a very delicate moment that the world has faced, as it is widely known that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused great changes in our lives.
Social distancing has become a factor that has exacerbated various problems, such as depression, loneliness, and insecurity. 
Although uncomfortable, feelings such as fear and insecurity help to alert us to the risks that still exist. 
Therefore, seeking comfort and dialogue with a professional in the field can help to deal with negative feelings and maintain levels of attention and dedication that can contribute to a sense of success and autonomy.
That is why we consider that, in this post-pandemic period, having psychological support is almost essential. Clinical psychology, through psychotherapeutic intervention, can provide valuable and significant assistance in attempting to reconcile some obstacles.
We must, therefore, pay attention to the impact of all the changes caused by Covid-19 on psychological health, as well as the role of professionals in other areas of psychology, such as clinical psychology, various types of psychotherapy, neuropsychology, or psychiatry.
As such, during epidemics, and in the present case, the number of people whose mental health has been affected tends to be higher than the number of people affected by the disease itself. In this way, psychology has a lot to contribute in terms of understanding and influencing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, through an understanding of the psychological factors related to individuals, families, communities, institutions, and society, with this science being essential at the level of the collective response to the pandemic.
The need for psychologists has never been greater than it is currently. In this context, mental health professionals can and should intervene, playing a fundamental role in supporting the well-being of affected individuals. 
Thus, these professionals assume a unique position to offer a balanced perspective aimed at improving knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding the disease, as well as addressing generalized anxiety and apprehension.
As such, there are several areas of action:
> Educating about common adverse psychological consequences;
> Encouraging the adoption of health-promoting behaviors;
> Integrating available health care;
> Facilitating problem-solving;
> Contributing to the empowerment of patients, their families, and health professionals;
> Developing self-care for health professionals;
> Promoting mental health literacy in the population.


The early identification of distress and timely psychological interventions can not only prevent crises in times of pandemic, but also help contain its spread. Psychologists are therefore in a position to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic through research, practice, education, and advocacy.
In turn, psychological self-care should also receive attention and priority in addressing the harmful impacts of Covid-19 and social distancing. As such, resilience and perceived social support can serve as protective factors against the onset of psychological disorders.
It is also important to note that experts point to the need for more specific attention to be paid to emotionally vulnerable groups, who may require specialized interventions, such as those with chronic psychiatric illnesses, pregnant women, migrant workers, and international students.
Furthermore, age-specific interventions, taking into account modifiable factors that mediate psychological distress, are urgently needed to address the global mental health pandemic.
The impact on mental health is devastating and costly, as is the financial impact of the virus. Therefore, during the Covid-19 pandemic, special attention to systematic psychological health care is required by healthcare professionals and patients themselves, as the mental health outcomes associated with this situation represent a complex, delicate, and multifaceted problem.
Considering the presented scenario, the integration of mental health and psychosocial support in the response to Covid-19, as well as investments in mental health, could reduce future psychological effects. 
Therefore, it is important to reduce negative and pessimistic thinking among people during this post-pandemic phase.
There is an urgent need to value public mental health attention and policies to assist people in this challenging time. 
One of the objectives is to develop global health measures capable of dealing with psychosocial stressors, especially those related to confinement (quarantine), fear, and the vulnerability of the general population.
Therefore, in light of the above, although it is a private institution, the HPA Saúde Group has established various protocols with different clinics and health insurance companies in order to provide the best economic and financial conditions to its patients and to meet the needs of the population. In addition, professionals in various mental health fields who collaborate with the HPA Saúde Group are carefully evaluated, as they play a decisive role in current society and future generations.
We aim for a healthy country, which is characterized by the emotional balance of its population. This balance is crucial in the attempt to create a better world, an objective that should be achieved for future generations. 
It's important to remember that with the proper assistance, it's possible to transform oneself and contribute to this goal.