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Dra. Sílvia Sales Vieira

Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics

Sílvia Sales Vieira

A diagnosis and treatment center in the Algarve

HPA Magazine 18

Endometriosis is a clinical condition that affects young women of reproductive age. The disease consists of an endometrial-like tissue that accumulates outside the uterus, resulting in a chronic inflammatory reaction.
It is one of the most frequent causes of chronic pelvic pain during menstruation. It often results in a decrease in the women’s quality of life and in a consequent high incapacity for work. In addition to this, approximately 4 out of 10 women with endometriosis may face problems of infertility, leading to a high demand for treatment in medically assisted reproduction centres and also a high investment, not only economic, but also emotional. 


Endometriose Um centro de diagnóstico e tratamento no Algarve


The timely diagnosis of this disease is important so that an early, effective treatment can be instituted, capable of reducing symptoms and correcting anatomical alterations that lead to infertility.
A dynamic ultrasound is of enormous importance in reaching a diagnosis.
The  aim is to associate symptoms with ultrasound findings, thus optimizing the quality of information extracted from this assessment.
The HPA Gambelas Endometriosis Diagnosis and Treatment Center offers:
• Dynamic ultrasound, an asset in the diagnosis and invaluable in the choice of the most appropriate treatment;
• A therapeutic decision session, where, together with the patient, the various treatment options (medical or surgical) are discussed, contemplating, on the one hand, what the patient prefers,  taking into account the possibility of wishing to fall pregnant, as well as the cost of the various treatment options available and their side effects.
• Deal with and guide the patient through the effects of the treatment implemented;
• Carry out minimally invasive surgical interventions to treat or minimize the symptoms of endometriosis (allowing for an early postoperative discharge, rapid recovery and reduced absenteeism from work).
Contributing to its success, the Center counts on the other also important specialties, such as Infertility consultation, Imaging, Gastroenterology, Urology, General Surgery, Clinical Psychology and Nutrition.