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Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente

2nd Children’s Congress


HPA Magazine 10


The 2nd Children’s Congress, which took place on 8 and 9 June, proved to be an occasion of high of scientific level and enthusiastic participation. There were about 200 participants and an extensive ensemble of speakers and moderators with vast experience and knowledge, who kept the attention and motivated the participation of the audience.



The first day was aimed at talks and presentations and the second was for a course in basic paediatric life support. 
The presentations were divided into four thematic areas: Neurodevelopment, Paediatric Updates, General Paediatrics and Infectology and included clinics from the HPA as well as other institutions.
The paediatric team, mentor and organiser of the event, is already preparing the program for next year. The date will again tie in with World Children’s Day, given that the HPA Children’s Congress came about from this connection and we are enthusiastically committed to the program for 2019, taking into consideration this year’s success, says Dr Luís Gonçalves, Director of the Paediatric and Neonatal Department of the HPA Group.