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Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente


Live comfortably with your body!

Depending on the patients personal ailment and in accordance with each individuals  physical capabilities, there are various techniques, your Physiotherapist can assist you with, in order to attain  the best quality of life possible.

Specifically for you, for your children and grandchildren.

The Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation Department at Hospital Particular do Algarve, is equipped with the most up to date equipment and experienced technical staff.  It is  capable of responding to the needs of our Out-Patients Department as well as to the necessities of our hospitalized patients, including those that require home care.

The Physiotherapist concentrates on the evaluation of a patient’s movement and posture, based on function and body structure. The Physiotherapists’ aim is to obtain the maximum functionality of movement in his patients.

Intervention Area:

  • Orthopedics / Traumatology - fractures, dislocations, sub-dislocations, contusions, pré and post-surgery recovery - hip replacements, knee replacements, lumbago, cervical pain, ruptures, tendinitis;
  • Cardio-Respiratory - myocardial stroke, Bronchitis, Asthma, Respiratory Failure, COPD;
  • Neurology - Stroke Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons Desease, Alzeimers;
  • Reumatology - Arthrosis, Reumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosois;
  • Pediatrics - Bronquiolitis, Asthma, Cerebral Plausy;
  • Geriatrics -  Fall prevention and gait rebalancing;
  • Pneumology - Respiratory Kinesiotherapy;
  • Kinesiotherapy - Cinésioterapia Respiratória;
  • Womans’ Health -  Pre-Natal Care and Post-Natal Care;
  • Aesthetics - Swellings, Edemas, Scarring problems, Posture.
medical specialty available on the following units

Physiotherapy available at 

  • Hospital Particular do Algarve | Alvor
  • Hospital Particular do Algarve | Gambelas
  • Hospital Particular da Madeira | Funchal
  • Centro de Ortopedia e Reabilitação - Faro
  • Clínica Particular do Algarve - Guia
  • Clínica Particular de Lagos
  • Centro Médico Internacional - VRSA
  • Clínica Particular Medchique
  • Clínica Particular SIIPEMOR

Request more info

Algarve Madeira
Parkinson Physiotherapy



Physical Exercise in the prevention of falls



Intensive Neurological Rehabilitation



Dermatofuntional physiotherapy



Womens health physiotherapy