waiting times

Hospital Particular Alvor


Urgent Care

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Urgent Care



Hospital Particular da Madeira


Urgent Care



Madeira Medical Center

Unscheduled Medical Care

Operating Theatre

The  Grupo HPA Saúde has thirteen operating theaters within the Group, with modern equipment and adapted to all surgical needs, with recovery rooms and skilled nursing and resuscitation staff.

A broad range of surgical procedures are possible, with expert staff available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

We want to provide the patient with every comfort, family support and professional medical and nursing staff, thus the resulting surgical and postsurgical procedures are performed with patients trust and in total security with the least pain possible, allowing a rapid return to the patient’s home environment.

The last years have been marked by tremendous growth of medical and surgical techniques in particular, which are being undertaken with a short hospital stay in some with admission of less than 24 hours.

The  Grupo HPA Saúde is committed to constantly monitor the evolution in surgical procedures. Possessing a highly trained specialized team of staff as well as less invasive surgical instruments and high-tech equipment, which consequently leads to the shortest possible hospitalization period.

Depending on the surgical procedure which is to be undertaken or the patients preference, our experienced team of anesthetists can perform any type of anesthesia, be it sedation, local anesthesia, loco-regional or general.

Among the state of the art equipment available the equipment for endoscopic surgery is definitely among the most advanced equipment in the Operating Theatres. It is used in the most diverse types of surgery such as general surgery, orthopedics, gynecology and ENT, and is the most advanced equipment in southern Portugal and Madeira Island. This is a device in which the total image is digital enabling the detection and observation of important clinical situations.

However, all the other hi-tech equipment available in our Operating Theatres should not be overlooked, of which just a few will be mentioned, such as faco-emulsificator of cataracts, laser, ultra-sound coagulator, image intensifier, auxiliary orthopedic and ENT equipment, ventilators, reference monitoring equipment, as well as all the inherent theatre equipment, which has given Grupo HPA Saúde of experience in this area.

Surgical Specialties: