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Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente

Intensive Care Unit

An Intensive Care Unit is a differentiated clinical unit, where care is provided to patients who need continuous surveillance and / or intensive therapeutic measures, either because they are unstable, or at risk of vital organ function or failure.

Our Intensive Care Units 

The ICU of the Hospital Particular do Algarve - Gambelas | Faro has a capacity of 8 beds (one in isolation), while the Hospital Particular do Algarve - Alvor | Portimão, has a capacity of 4 beds, the ICU of Hospital Particular da Madeira  is the only intensive care unit in the  region of Madeira and has a capacity of 7 beds (one in isolation). All ICUs are located on the 1st floor of the respective Hospitals.

They are all modern units, with technologically advanced equipment in all areas of intervention: diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of severe pathophysiological conditions.

Each of these patients has an electric bed, vital and hemodynamic monitoring system, medical gases, vacuum aspiration, mechanical ventilators, pumps and perfusion syringes.


The professionals who work in these units have extensive experience and expertise in the field of intensive care medicine.  The ICUs of the Group are staffed 24 hours a day by medical and nursing teams, allowing for immediate, safe and effective response to diagnoses and critical situations. We can thus provide safe postoperative care in complex surgeries or increased risk pathologies, and also  treat situations of organ failure that may complicate the clinical course of some diseases.


Technical Capacity:

  • Mechanical ventilation (invasive and noninvasive);

  • Invasive and noninvasive blood pressure monitoring;
  • Continuous monitoring of PICCO cardiac output;
  • Continuous renal replacement techniques (hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration);
  • Continuous oximetry monitoring;
  • Portable life support equipment for intra and inter-hospital transport;
  • Percutaneous tracheostomy;
  • Bronchovideoscopy;
  • Equipment for the measurement of arterial blood gases, electrolytes and metabolites;
  • Cardiorespiratory resuscitation equipment;
  • Ultrasound and echocardiography;
  • In-loco radiology exams.

Main Pathologies / Diseases

The most common causes for admission include:

  • Severe infections that develop into organ dysfunction (pneumonia, encephalitis or meningitis, pticemia, etc.);
  • Severe cardiac pathology (acute myocardial infarction, decompensated heart failure, arrhythmias, etc.);
  • Acute respiratory failure (acute COPD, severe asthma attack, etc.);
  • Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Postoperative care of complex or prolonged surgery;
  • Polytraumatized patients. 

Common Signs and Symptoms

The most commonly seen signs and symptoms in our units are Dyspnea (shortness of breath), Precordial Pain, Chest Pain, Loss of Consciousness and other changes in the state of consciousness, Acute Loss of Muscle Strength.

Strong Points of the ICU of the HPA Health Group

The HPA Health Group is the only private health group, south of Lisbon and the islands that has an Intensive Care Unit, with a total capacity of 19 beds   for adults in the Hospitals of Alvor, Gambelas and Madeira.


Together with the state-of-the-art technology, our units have excellent conditions as far as lighting, acoustics and air conditioning are concerned. In addition, due to the vulnerability inherent of critical cases, these units comply with strict and specific safety and operating rules and regulations with regards to patient care and control of infection and medical risk.

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Visiting Hours

Hospital Particular do Algarve - Alvor
Every day - 12am to 3pm and 5pm to 8pm

Hospital Particular do Algarve - Gambelas
Every day - 12am to 3pm and 6pm to 9pm

Hospital Particular da Madeira - Funchal
Every day - 5pm to 8pm


Useful information

Intensive Care - Alvor - View

Intensive Care - Gambelas- View