waiting times

Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Atendimento Permanente



Hospital Particular da Madeira


Atendimento Permanente



Madeira Medical Center

Atendimento Médico
não programado

Hemodinamic Unit


The HPA Health Group now has two Hemodynamic Laboratories: one at the Hospital Particular do Algarve in Alvor and another at the Hospital Particular da Madeira.

The Hemodynamic Laboratory of the Alvor Hospital, is part of the Centro Internacional de Cardiologia de Intervenção (C.I.C.I.),  which was inaugurated in 2001 and was the first Hemodynamic Unit in the southern part of the country.

Minimally invasive therapeutic diagnostic tests are performed by introducing catheters into the vascular system under local anesthesia.


Minimally Invasive Diagnostic Tests

  • Cardiac Catheterisms;
  • Coronary angiography and ventriculography (diagnosis of coronary disease);
  • Peripheral Angiography (carotid, aorta, lower limbs, cerebral, renal);
  • Electrophysiological studies for the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias.

Minimally Invasive Therapeutic Exams

  • Coronary angioplasty with stents;
  • Carotid angioplasty with stents and distal protection filters;
  • Peripheral angioplasty (lower limbs);
  • Renal angioplasty;
  • Placement of vena cava filters;
  • Arrhythmia ablation;
  • Placement of Pacemakers;
  • Cardio Defibrillator Placement;
  • TAVI - Thranscatheter Aortic Valve Implantation.

For further information on these procedures see HPA Magazine No. 3 (link)