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Prof. González Rivas, one of the most eminent cardiothoracic surgeons in the world, was at the HPA

Prof. González Rivas, one of the most eminent cardiothoracic surgeons in the world, was at the HPA Gambelas to perform a surgery with the technique of which he is the author and which revolutionised thoracic surgery.

In 2010 González Rivas was a pioneer in performing uniportal anatomical resections (with only one incision) using video-assisted thoracoscopy. In 2014 he performed the first lung surgeries, also single-incision in patients without intubation and spontaneous breathing. He is also the forerunner in performing uniportal resections using an articulated robotic arm, without the need for a helper (first case in 2016).

He was the founder and current director of the single-port videothoracoscopy training program at Shanghai Lung Hospital, the world's largest thoracic surgery centre (in 2019 alone, they performed 17,440 major lung resections).

On a visit to the HPA Gambelas, González Rivas operated on a young man with the pectus excavatum deformity, using the technique described, and the young man walked out of the operating room.


16, May 2020