At the HPA Saúde Group, we are committed to downloading these statistics.
It is estimated that the total number of new cancer patients diagnosed annually rose to 2.7 million new cases/year (excluding non-melanoma skin neoplasms), which represents a total of 1.3 million deaths in 2020 (a value that still does not take into account the impact that COVID-19 will have on these people).
Of these, the number will be slightly higher in the male population (54%), whose percentage of deaths will also be higher (56%). About 62% of diagnoses and 76% of deaths will happen after 65 years of age.
Female breast cancer will count as the most diagnosed, with a value of 355,000 women in the EU-27, followed by colorectal cancer with 341,000, prostate cancer with 336,000, and lung cancer with 318,000 individuals. As causes of death from cancer, 20.4% will be from lung cancer, 12.4% from colorectal, 7.3% from breast, and 7.1% from the pancreas.
Although the data are forecasts, they still do not reflect the impact of COVID-19 on this population, which may increase the number of deaths, previously estimated, nor do they reflect the number of incidence (which should be lower), it is assumed a decrease of diagnoses by alterations, either from access to diagnostic tests or from access to usual health care.
9, August 2020